Green capitalism is incompatible with environmental protection
The Capitalist system voracity is irredeemable
“Neo-liberalism is a model of politics that encompasses both politics and economics. It favors private initiative and seeks to transfer control of economic factors from the government to the private sector.
Many neoliberal policies concern the efficient functioning of free market capitalism and focus on limiting government spending, government regulation, and public ownership.”
“More recently, neoliberalism has been associated with austerity policies and attempts to cut government spending on social programs.”
In practice, neoliberalism means concentration of wealth on the top of the social pyramid and debt enslavement for ordinary citizens and it starting with the student debt. There is nothing innocent about the ubiquity of debt in societies dominated by neoliberalism, indebtedness is a strategic feature of the system used to control individuals, families and small/medium size business as a lifelong dependency spiral.
Many people fail to understand the intrinsic perversity of a system that was designed to cripple the society at large which means to make us weaker and more vulnerable with austerity measures and social cuts, Of course, the ideologues of neoliberalism repeat the dogma efficiency/rationality/ infallibility of free-markets to blame the victims for not being enough creative, innovative entrepreneurs instead of looking for governmental support and subsidies.
Neo-liberalism is a dictatorship of the financial markets to favor those who control it (plutocrats and oligarchs, rent seekers). We are talking about a system that works more as a predator of the real economy than a facilitator of it and; the result is visible in the two main neoliberal bastions US and UK. Austerity for the poor, fiscal incentives and bailouts for the rich.
Transnational corporations, too big to fail banks and wealthy investors also resort to credit, but it is not exactly the same thing as resorting to credit to keep dragging an iron ball chained to the ankle for the rest of life as in the case of small/medium-sized companies and lower, middle class citizens. When large banks and large corporations need credit, they borrow from each other to make acquisitions and mergers or other financial transactions, such as repurchasing their own shares on the stock exchange to reduce the number of shares available and to inflate earnings and the value of the shares. Private and institutional investors also resort to credit to buy public assets, such as the most important public services, water systems, power-plants, dams, electric lines, etc.
That means these people take control of public assets with little to none of their own financial resources, frequently with fiscal benefits and other benefits and signing contracts with corrupt or under severe pressure governments that will reveal to be disastrous for the state, this is how the public companies and assets go from being part of the national wealth to become owned and explored by foreign interests while the country becomes indebted to institutions such as the IMF or the World Bank.
Neo-liberalism is not based on meritocracy, it is based on gimmicks and free lunches for the FIRE sector and competition for crumbs for wage earners at the bottom of the social pyramid. Neo-liberalism does not produce economic prosperity, it produces financial wealth for a restricted group that uses it to acquire properties and control the best assets of the real economy.
Meanwhile, the impoverishment of large sectors of the population generates social discontent and political opportunists are lurking. Under the umbrella of the populist label, far-right and neo-fascist political parties are rising stars guiding the popular discontent through the political desert while the left is submerged in identity politics as if class warfare has ended.
For decades, the US has financed and implemented a multitude of campaigns to discredit and ridicule the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist left. Campaigns orchestrated in collusion with European governments, anti-communist political parties and organizations that are part of the NGO industrial complex spreading anti-left propaganda and infiltrating left-wing groups with the purpose of discrediting socialism, Marxism and communism.
The NATO secret armies (Operation Gladio) have perpetrated terrorist attacks on European soil to incriminate left-wing groups with the purpose of implanting in the minds of the European public the idea that Marxists, socialists and communists are against democracy and the so called European values. These campaigns were successful to the point of making people feel ashamed of being associated with "extreme" left organizations.
At the current historical crossroads, the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist left is essential to fight and defeat capitalism and those who consider themselves environmentalists and do not understand that capitalism and imperialism form a spiral system of lethal profit addiction that will destroy everything if not dismantled. Between us and happiness is the money to buy the goods and pay for the services that will make us happy, accepted and loved.
Capitalism is responsible for the design and creation of superfluous habits and needs that throughout time will become addictions and we are incited and encouraged to resort to indebtedness as a means of accessing the goods and services on which we have become dependent, if you don’t call it a process of crippling enslavement I think you have to be deeply delusional!
We live in a time of pure alienation, priorities are all reversed. The example of the war in Ukraine is paradigmatic for elucidating the power of propaganda. The so-called progressive “left” joined the imperialist wokeism in defense of what and who? From a historical point of view they are on the side of technofeudalism/technofascism which means the continuation of imperialist capitalism as a system of global governance controlled by the US deep state the contribution of western “allies”.
Firstly, it is necessary to understand what neoliberalism is, and secondly, it is time to stop believing that there are no alternatives. Industrial capitalism at least generated employment and economic wealth, but financial capitalism only generates inequality, poverty and the concentration of wealth in the hands of the rentier class. The financialization of the economy is the method used by the plutocratic class to control the economy without having to produce anything, causing the degradation of wages and living conditions for workers and the poor.
However, the plutocrats and oligarchs claim that green capitalism is the solution to climate change. We can’t solve climate change if (I am not interested in discussing whether or not it is the result of burning fossil fuels) we don’t include the myriad of problems caused by human activity that need to be addressed if we are to be intellectually honest.
For decades, experiments in geoengineering and climate manipulation have been carried out as part of secret military programs and projects, in the same way that there are secret biotech labs where all sorts of genetic manipulations are carried out to produce new strains of pathogens to be used as biological weapons.
The general public is kept in complete ignorance based on confidentiality, state secrecy is used as an excuse to hide the truth about crucial issues to society as if we, the citizens were nothing else but immature children!
Citizens who make up the restricted circle of plutocrats and oligarchs (rentier class) and their cronies warn the general public for the need to ride bicycles while they travel by private jet to all events without restrictions. Apparently we are supposed to trust the fate of humanity and planet in the hands of these individuals.
Should we trust people that are responsible for the destruction of the economy of countless countries and the annihilation of millions of citizens and the environmental degradation due to the over-exploitation of natural and mineral resources to satisfy the voracity of the capitalist system?
A society based on the consumption of superfluous products and services dependent on economic growth to create new jobs in a vicious circle sustained by the over-exploitation of all types of resources and the unnecessary destruction of natural habitats can only avoid collapse by adding more and more technological complexity (techno-fix) but it won’t last forever.
Social inequality, homelessness, job precarity and poverty are rising across the so called developed world while wealth accumulation keeps growing! In a financialized economy the money is kept in the inner circle of the FIRE sector because they don’t need the real economy to grow their wealth, that’s why the wealth doesn’t trickle down, there is no investment in the real economy, they buy real assets by pennies on the dollar not for productive investment but for fixed rents, they are the ones that enjoy free lunches not us, we get the crumbs.
The planet is shared by all human beings that inhabit it, but are we all equally responsible for the state of degradation the planet earth has reached? Are we all equally responsible for the extinction of an absurd number of species? Those who develop, produce chemical, biological and nuclear weapons as well as those who are currently involved in biotechnological research for military and transhumanist purposes are accountable to whom?
António Guterres insists that the climate emergency must be tackled with the energy transition, omitting that the heart of the problem lies in the current societal paradigm. The capitalist system is the cause of the so-called climate emergency, however serious it may be, it has to be included in a package of comprehensive solutions to tackle the problem of overconsumption and consequent overexploitation of resources. We have to rethink the technofix mindset and stop ignoring the cultural blind spot, the capitalist system is taken for granted.
It is absolutely normal to believe that alternative forms of renewable energy production are sustainable, but the concept of renewable leads us to believe that they work in a kind of closed loop (circular economy) which is not true because we continue to need to explore finite primary raw materials increasingly scarce and difficult to access.
On the other hand, we continue to destroy natural habitats, irreplaceable ecosystems for a multitude of life forms. The implementation of the energy transition on a global scale depends on the use of fossil fuels, we cannot forget that they are used in practically all sectors of economic activity, petrochemical industry, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, etc... to believe or want to make believe that the society of consumption of superfluous goods and products dependent on economic growth to be viable can be maintained using alternative energy is completely delusional.
The current model of economic development is only "sustainable" using fossil fuels, because what is wrong and unsustainable is the dysfunctional economic model that cannot be changed because someone has proclaimed that there is no alternative to it (TINA).
One of the intellectual challenges that should be at the center of our concerns is to challenge the prevailing economic myths, the flooding of the market with superfluous products and services is not healthy for people and even less so for the environment, but as we are conditioned to glorify the entrepreneurship, technological innovation and meritocracy as gauges of economic "health", and job creation is elevated to the category of moral duty of government officials, when in fact what is intended is to defend an economically, socially and environmentally unsustainable system.
It is also known that alternative energies are less efficient than fossil fuels. It is pure illusion to believe that this time we are going to make the right choices, the economic and financial interests that are at stake are omitted, that is, the interests of the oligarchs and plutocrats (the rentier class) who ensure the control of wealth by organizing society in making it extremely difficult to challenge the power centralized at the top of the social pyramid.
Heaven will not return to Earth even if one Tesla is distributed to each family, environmental devastation will continue because resources have to be extracted from somewhere, and if we believe that this time, the exploitation of resources follows ecologically sustainable norms and techniques, it is because we do not realize that this is what all generations believe, that they will not repeat the mistakes of their parents (ancestors) because now we have "clean" and effective technologies, we don't realize or pretend not to realize that the capitalist system is insatiable and relentless, and that the culture of superfluous consumption has been globalized.
Most people believe that scientific development and technological innovation are positive for society because they provide citizens with products and services that make life in society easier.
The information technology revolution is a paradigmatic example of the transformation of the way we live (the fourth industrial revolution).
Technological innovations make life in society easier and more convenient, shopping and working online are increasingly a reality for many citizens, but more convenience does not automatically translate into better quality of life in many aspects essential to human well-being. , makes us complacent alienated.
As for the waste produced, not everything is recyclable, reusable and by adding more layers of complexity to the system, we create new problems that are increasingly difficult to solve, the emphasis on positive aspects is part of the false advertising program that is recurrently used to sell illusions.
Apparently the model of society can remain unchanged, the new projects are controlled and financed by the same people, institutions and organizations that defend a system that depends on economic growth to survive, it is simply a matter of exploring a new lode: the financialization of services provided by natural ecosystems, privatize and patent everything that nature produces, literally transforming everything into products and services, making us pay the bill.
Between us and everything that is part of the commons there will be the rentier class at the top of the social hierarchy and consequently, a chain of institutions, organizations, companies, government agencies, individual entrepreneurs functioning as gatekeepers (intermediaries) to control and the access to everything that for millennia was part of the commons.
The process of commodification of services provided by ecosystems is already accepted as a way of regulating access and protecting the environment, it will be normalized through the dissemination of the adequate propaganda as it happens with everything else.
Political apathy has to go out of fashion, it seems clear to me that it is necessary to produce intellectually honest attractive narratives. It is necessary to find solutions to the problem of alienation and social atomization to stimulate political participation. I think it is time to fight for real participatory politics and economics.
There is no democracy without political agency and there is no social justice without participatory economics. A truly sustainable society requires a new international order because the current institutions do not meet people's needs nor protect the environment. Financial capitalism controls the current international order and uses a set of institutions and instruments to serve the needs of financial neo-colonialism, debt enslavement of people and nations to bring all valuable assets (natural and built) under the control of the (mostly) western rentier class.
De-dollarization, in other words, the use of alternative international payment systems that undermines the hegemony of the US-dominated international financial system.
It is likely that several systems and/or subsystems will coexist, which different countries will use according to their convenience taking into account the political-economic and geostrategic partnerships that may be established.
If the Third World War (for now we are in the preamble) breaks out, the energy transition as a banner against global warming and climate change will no longer make sense, humanity may even return to the second stone age, we can say that in a distorted way the current war can go down in history as the war that restored sustainability.
In short, I think we shouldn’t prioritize the so-called climate crisis over the rest of the problems the humanity needs to solve. Most of them were generated by entities that now tell us they are qualified to solve them.
In fact, what these entities intend is to consolidate the economic-financial control of society using public relations campaigns to divert citizens' attention to secondary issues, identity politics, imperialist wokeism, political correctness, virtue signalling, etc,… here is an example:
"Humans of CIA ", an ad featuring a 36-year-old female officer who describes herself as "intersectional" and a "cisgender millennial" in relation to the real issues affecting people and the planet that require a comprehensive approach that goes far beyond the climate crisis.
The objective prioritization of what is really relevant for the improvement of human living standards and the domestic animals that we exploit for human consumption and for the effective defense of life and the environment.
This has to be the priority and we must develop the awareness that a new paradigm of society is not only necessary but has become an imperative and therefore we have to demand more political agency or a techno-feudal and transhumanist system will be imposed on us if are spared from annihilation by the outbreak of the third world war.